We produce many beach bag products, of course, including other related women’s handbags, shopping bags, shoulder bags, etc.
Our beach bags were originally mainly exported to the American market, and later gradually sold to other regions such as Europe.
As a seasonal product, our beach bags are characterized by elements such as “sunshine, vitality, and color,” with bright and vibrant colors as the main theme.
We mostly choose environmentally friendly or natural materials, such as cotton, hemp, rattan, etc.
Of course, we also use many materials commonly used in luggage and bags.
If you don’t know what style of product to buy, you can contact us to get a product catalog.
We believe that these product pictures will tell you the answer.
Don’t worry that your choices are not good enough. Our minimum order quantity is very low, and you can choose as many different styles as possible.
We believe that your customers will definitely be able to find suitable beach bags from you, just as you can definitely find the beach bags you like from us.
If you have general questions, you can communicate with Rita(
If you have questions about products, please contact June(
Finally, if you want to discuss order issues directly with us, our sales manager May( is your first choice.